About Me

Randy Haglund


Are you new to my webpage?
Of course you are because it’s brand new. Even to me.

But stories are not new to me. I’ve been telling them my whole life. People seem to like them. So I decided to start a web page that’s just me telling stories. Often times they’re humorous, because, well, I’ve done some funny things in my life.

Remember when your grandparents or a crotchety old uncle used to start with, “Back in my day…” Well, that’s us now, if you’re anything like me.

The fact is, we all have stories. My adventures might make you remember anecdotes from your own life. Maybe, like me, you worked at a gas station in high school, or went ski jogging in the winter, or got caught skipping school.

My stories are short, less-than-five-minutes commitment. No ads. I hope they make you laugh, make you remember the “good-old days”, and maybe sometimes they’ll make you think. Generally, I try not to think too much, but sometimes it just happens. And if you do have a story, share it with me.

Be sure to go to my stories page to read one of my tales of derring-do.

That’s what my site is all about. You’ll probably be able to relate to it. If you like a story, I’d love to hear from you. Maybe you have a similar experience. Or not. Either way, tell me your story.

I invite you to go to my contact page and give me feedback.

Maybe you have ideas or suggestions for future stories. You can also sign up for my email newsletter. That way you can get my latest story right in your in-box. I’ll send you a new story twice-a-month.

Here are a few random facts about me, in descending order of importance.

  • I’m a real person, not an actor
  • I like birds
  • I like maps
  • I like bird maps
  • I’ve been married for 35 years
  • I have four kids, still living at home (Ahem)

I can’t think of anything else that’s relevant.

So, read a story or two, and go back in time. It may or may not have been better back then, but it most certainly was different.

—Randy Haglund